Translate SAPS NKRA Online Tool

This tool translates your Malaysian school results/transcripts from Malay to English using the official subject names from SPM.

How to translate SAPS

  1. At SAPS NKRA, choose Papar Slip Keputusan or Papar Markah Keputusan.
  2. Save the page by pressing +S for Mac or Ctrl+S for Windows
  3. Save the format as Web Page, Complete
  4. Upload the file ending with .html below.
  5. Choose "Preview" or "Print/Download PDF"

Notes about SAPS translation tool

  1. School logo and teacher comments will be removed.
  2. For English translation of transcripts required by US universities.
  3. You should send the translation and the original copy to your SMK school for verification.
  4. Translation of transcript is done locally on your computer. No data is sent online.
  5. Designed for Form 4 and Form 5 transcripts only
  6. For a certified official SPM transcript English translation, you can use the MOE (Lembaga Peperiksaan) service. You need to pay a small fee and they will mail it to you.
  7. Feedback [email protected]. Code. Other projects